Reportage "Neural Networks"
Rodolfo Luthe-Narváez

A lady enters the doctor's office, she has cancer and if this treatment does not work she will not live long enough to feel disappointed. The doctor greets her and offers her a seat, puts her hands on the spheres of a machine, turns it on and runs a diagnosis. Cancerous tumor, the lady is surprised to see many other infections in addition, because she did not know that she had them, but that would help to explain her terminal condition.

The doctor sees the diagnosis, stands up calmly and gives her a few drops and a bottle of water. Then he tells her to put 40 drops on the water and drink it, and fill it again when it is over. The lady leaves the appointment confused, because the doctor did not bother to prescribe her a chemo or anything else, just the drops.

A month later, the lady does not feel drastic changes, but her continuous state of life is a good sign, maybe this works, she says to herself. After two months he returns to the doctor's office, the doctor receives her calmly and in the same way as the previous appointment, but unlike the previous appointment, the diagnosis does not say cancerous tumor, and many of the infections have disappeared.

The lady is healed of her cancer.

Impossible! Or not, most probably have already evicted this report as a heresy against medicine, and if I go to the university to say that this should be taught, I probably be put in a comfortable straitjacket. Not to blame, a year ago I would also put myself in a straitjacket. But I promised neural networks and I'll give neural networks, even if I'm crazy.

What are they?

The technical explanation is this: "A neural network or a neural circuit is a set of ordered synaptic connections that occurs as a result of the union of neurons to others in their corresponding regions after neural migration."

This is, in english, a set of neurons that relate to synapses, which allows thoughts, but, just that?, What about body functions?, These are also controlled by neural networks. And how do you achieve synapses, what makes these networks possible? With electric pulses, these series of pulses control the energy throughout the body, and like everything else, can fall into ruin and become damaged. If this happens, it is reflected in the body as a symptom of disease, so it can be defined illness as the electric imbalance in the cell and not like: "Consistent status of affection of a living being, characterized by a detrimental alteration of his state of health, which can be caused by various factors both intrinsic and extrinsic to the diseased organism", causing a mini revolution in medicine if you believe me.

If we consider the disease as such, today's current medicine treats not the cause, but the symptoms, which are considered as part of the disease these days, when in fact the symptom is the body saying "Help, I can't keep going with this disease".

But current medicine does not treat the network. Current medicine treats the manifestations of its imbalance, this is why chemo is not as effective as we would wish. Because this treatment, it is in my humble and exaggerated opinion, like popping balloons in a cardboard room with an assault rifle, or to be ridiculously harmful for the low probability that it destroys the cancer completely, because what chemo does is ... well, here is the story of this singular method of cellular genocide:

The doctor uses the treatment in the cancer cell, which dies without further ado.

The doctor goes to the council and shows them his findings and says that this could cure cancer. They believe him and call it chemotherapy.

As you see, chemo in two sentences. Anyway.

The bad thing about this is that, it kills cells that reproduce quickly, naturally or not. So treatment with this is the closest thing to a zombie you can find in nature, since it also kills cells in the bone marrow and in the scalp among others.

Do you think I forgot the story of the great miracle / heresy at the beginning? I didn't.

The drops were homeopathy. Have I already been told crazy again? The nice thing about networks is that they are also influenced by thoughts, since they are synapses which control them and electricity, so the lady believed that the miracle drops were going to heal her. And she healed.

I would pay to see your face right now.

Under this argument, diseases are not 50% mind 50% body, because it would have been needed a substance that would have served the lady, so that leaves us with diseases being 80% mind and 20% body, and for this reason they work. Also because of this, children who have blind faith in their parents, are cured with the smallest thing they give them, such as a kindergarten that give colored pills with different shapes to their sick children. The child choses the one that he likes the most and Shazam!, healed.

The same concept applies to the Advils, as it is general culture that they have a chemical that throws headaches out the window, people take them and the migraine goes away faster than Usain Bolt. It is not because they have the golden elixir of the headaches, is simply your "faith" in the medicine, which conditions the network to respond favorably to the medicine you take, whether it is a pill with sugar, Advil, black coffee with cream and sugar or an apple.

Another thing, remember that all humans have a field of energy around them? that energy can act over another field like it, so this is not a miracle so great:

The sick has a cancerous tumor and is dying in his bed, waiting for the pale horse to enter and his rider to guide him along the road that he can not walked back, followed by Hades.

The three doctors enter and sit down next to the sick person, without any medication. The patient, barely conscious, is about to give up. But this gives them hope, meditating, they lay their hands on him, staying like that for hours.

When they leave, the tumor does not exist anymore.

See? The miracles of healing exist and you do not need to be Jesus to make them happen. If you want to go further, almost all miracles may have been simply people who unite their energies for a purpose. When enough people join the cause, the miracle happens (Someone realizes that this is basically pray?).

Anyway, if you haven't already made a call to the people of the asylum, I hope this changes your perspective on some things, not being the least of them your perspective on medicine. If you do not believe me, it is your loss, since the main purpose of this is to get high marks in Spanish and make the community in general know of these advances in medicine and physics while I do.

The end


I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth, Bible hub
http://biblehub.com/revelation/6-8.htm 04/06/2014

Quimotherapy: MedinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, MedinePlus
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/ency/article/002324.htm 04/06/2014

What are neural networks?, Anonymous
http://info.fisica.uson.mx/arnulfo.castellanos/archivos_html/quesonredneu.htm 04/06/2014

What is a disease? – Google Search, Google Inc.
https://www.google.com.mx/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=que%20es%20una%20enfermedad 04/06/2014

And my grandfather, who gave me the important information about this report, the other is pure filling of scientific things and that need to be referenced, without him this would not exist