Importance of the Board of Directors

We inform you that the Wisdom Board of Guadalajara, Model City is working with an innovative multi-level intellectual system and one of its first conclusions is that we will solve our challenges only if we improve our brain power.

Business finding 1452: Innovation is key to the competitiveness of nations and a first challenge is to identify our cultural code.

Counselor Karina Orea guides leaders interested in improving their organization to Clotaire Rapaille's research, a psychologist, on the importance of cultural codes and the imprint acquired in the early years of life of a person, in order to better understand their customers.

Business finding 1453: The company Chrysler is interested in a method to understand the preferences of customers who purchase the Jeep.

The usual research is based on questionnaires to potential consumers with questions about the vehicle that they would like to acquire and a different strategy is based on the memories of people when they met the Jeep for the first time. The new strategy finds that the code corresponding to the Jeep is being LIBERATOR because it allows you to get off the road and explore.

Business finding 1454: The person makes a direct connection between learning and emotion, since without emotion there is no learning.

The conclusion that without emotion there is no learning allows us to understand the importance of the emotions of the person in the learning process. Infancy is very important because we experiment with the emotions until the age of seven years, at which point it is considered that they begin to repeat.

Business finding 1455: The combination of experience and emotion is what is defined as a person's imprint.

This combination of experience and emotion, the imprint, influences what we are, in our particular way of reasoning, deciding and acting. The imprints of people forming a family influence their cultural code, which unites the families of a country, establishing their cultural code.

Dr. Rodolfo Luthe García
Tel. +52 01 (33)